:: Fifteen strangers who have never known before, meet at one of the Bangkok's bus station and it is the first time they see each other along with five people of our team. Yes! we come from a page called PALAPILII Thailand in which drama is often going on. However, this time's gathering is meant for a shooting Spot Video - Cliff Jumping at the Grand Canyon. From the beginning to the end is about the Grand Canyon and Doi Mon Cham, every activity, every expense is shared. Let's see how it goes when on tour with PALAPILII Thailand, and how atmosphere is like. > <

[Video] Grand canyon Chiangmai - Cliff jumping


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Website : http://www.palapilii-thailand.com/


:: This trip is well planned. Everything is booked in advance. It is not at random alike previous trips. We book a return trip from Bangkok by bus with Siam First Tour. Local red truck and accommodation at Mon Idin is also well reserved. Everything is well made the best of a bargain. The rainy season most likely cheaper than the other and discount is usually offered. We depart from Bangkok on Friday at 20.00 hrs. Although we have never seen each other before but we greet each other like we have already toured together once. We arrive in Chaing Mai bus terminal on Saturday morning at 06:00hrs.

:: The return bus ticket from Bangkok to Chiang Mai costs 1,000 Baht. We choose the one at 20:00hrs for both trips. Upon arrival, we call immediately to red truck drivers to inform them to pick us up at platform 8. We rent totally 2 red trucks for 1 night and 2 days at 2,800 Bath per truck for the entire trip meaning drivers go with us everywhere. We get ourselves ready and load all stuffs into the trucks and here our journey to the old clay pond or as we call it "Grand Canyon Chiang Mai" begins. It takes us about 45 minutes drive to get there. No one is there in the morning except us. It is really comfortable atmosphere.

Contact information

- Siam First Tour : http://www.siamfirst.co.th/

- Chiang Mai's Red Truck : 083-577-1869

:: There is not much to talk for this trip except the helpful information to be told. I don't really know what to tell, it is better to come together. The entrance fee for the Grand Canyon is 50 Baht. You will receive a ticket which can exchange to a cup of tea or can be used as a 25 Baht discount in coffee shop. Oh! importantly, free life jacket provided thus difficult to be drowned but easy to be dead. Opps! that's not true, just have to be careful.

:: As a first timer here, is surely excited since it is really beautiful, I really think it is and the location itself is also pretty unique. We come here for one mission to jump off a cliff at 17 meters height. Everyone gets changed and prepares for the shooting Spot Video and the back somersault off a cliff at 17 meters height is the first and opening scene for this trip.

:: We prepare well with our safety team. One person jumps ahead to check as we need to ensure that there is no injuries from this trip. Alas! from the initial physical data.

- Cliff 17 meters height

- Water 40 meters deep

- Roughly 2 seconds to hit the water

:: When calculating according to physics formula v = u + gt roughly it equals to crash speed at 70 km / h. It is quite strong. If jump in a wrong position, it can be quite painful. The pain varies according to the formula p = mv. The heavier you are, the higher crash speed will be. After the opening scene goes successfully, It is a ceremonial procession of activists to move forward.

:: The first half day is gone with jumping jumping and jumping. Almost everyone has pain because it is high, really high but we are not afraid of it at all. We jump about 4-5 times in everywhere, swim, kayak, back somersault, hide and seek, hiding a cloth behind one's back and many more. I'm really sure that all photos tell much more than I can describe.

:: God! We play till we get sunburn like we just came back from holiday in South Africa. We slowly stop, go shower and get changed. Then we deceide to go for lunch somewhere in town because resturants in this area are pretty expensive. I think they can even buid a new buiding from the money they make. Well, it is a tourist price rather than local. We take red trucks and ahead to town with hunger. Here we say good bye to the Grand Canyon. We will practice more on back somersault and will be back to jump again.

:: I am told from a friend that this is a very good taste restaurant, I therefore tell drivers to take us here. It does not take us that long till we arrive. Must try dish is Khao Soi with beef, pork or chicken at 40 Bath. Pork Stay is also availble here. I take beef Khao Soi, the beef is really tender and tasty. I highly recommend and the restaurant name is "Khao Soi Samer Jai"

:: After main course, we kill our time with dessert. Nowhere else but here "Iberry" one of Chiang Mai's landmark which belongs to Note Udom a well know Thai commedian. The business here make him even richer because of its design,unigue menu and also the taste. We order some drinks and dessert to share. Mainly it is the talk, the talk and the talk and I wonder why this trip is getting more and more wild.

:: Before we leave, we take pictures with Note Udom's cute statue. We think we can squeeze 20 heads in and leave just 40 legs out but unfortunately not. It could be really chic if we can but at least a memorable picture is well taken before we head to Mon Idin; our tonight's accommodation.

:: It takes 2 hours from downtown to Mon Idin. Actually it is not that far but it is heavy traffic in Chiang Mai. We stop by on the way to buy pork, necessary stuffs, snacks and seasonings. We will marinate pork and beef then grill for our big evening in harmonious atmosphere to get us closer and closer till home.

:: The atmosphere along the way is so chill especially in Mae Rim. Also on the way up to Mon Idin, it is so fresh and cool.

:: And soon we arrive at "Mon Idin", no beautiful views like other hills but it is private. It is 100 meters from the main road and surrounded by hills and vegetable farms. It is really our day and it will surely be a loud and wild night.

:: We book a house, it is big enough with 4 bed rooms and spacious living area. It is really big with pretty fine atmosphere, comfortable bed, full furnished with free wifi. A night stay at 5,000 Baht and we are 21 people.

Contact information

- Mon Idin : 081-034-0290

:: See the picture above, this is one bed room and we have 4 rooms, 1 living room and courtyard. God! 5,000 Baht what a price!

:: No one showers, we are all at courtyard to marinate the beef, view picture, chit chat, edit videos while music is played and the grill is going on. We order some foods to energise us tonight. When it comes to the right time, 2 trays full of beers and 3 litres of whiskey are brought for the night to keep the cold away.


:: Good morning from Mon Cham, we are at Mon Cham this morning. It is my 3rd time here, not that exciting for me but I always come. I don't really know why but I feel comfortable to come so I always do.

:: we walk, take pictures and then have breakfast here. When visit Mon Cham don't miss to have breakfast up here as it is so tasty and drinks are also good. It is such a full package of taste and atmosphere. Who never try, must do. : )

:: I don't know how to review about Mon Cham. Let the pictures tell as usual.

:: Another not to miss at Mon Cham is the hill tribe racing at 50 Baht per person. It is extremely fun to be released from the hill down about 200 meters length. It looks simple and slow but many tourists including us have wounds as a return. Don't miss!

:: Back to the resort, pack and clear the expense. See below roughly expenses (Individual)

Day 1

- Bangkok-Chiang Mai (Round trip): 1,000 Baht.

- Red truck 2 days 1 night: 270 Baht.

- Breakfast: 30 Baht.

- Admission to the Grand Canyon: 50 Baht.

- Kayak: 25 Baht.

- Lunch: 60 Baht.

- Iberry: 40 Baht

- Group contribution: 100 baht.

- Accommodation: 250 Baht

Day 2 (In advance)

- Breakfast: 100 Baht.

- Admission to the park: 70 Baht.

- Lunch: 300 Baht.

- Miscellanous 200 Baht

- Red truck to bus terminal. 20 Baht.

Total 2,515 Baht (approximately).

:: When everything is ready, we head to Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden. It is about half an hour down from the resort. Admission fee is 40 Baht and 30 Baht for the tram. For student "free" in August every year.

:: Then we have small game for everyone to take a picture with hipster look. Each person must take a picture with #wannabehipster who has the most perfect hipster look is awarded from our team. Take a look at some of these.

:: Actually, I want to show all from 20 people but I'm afraid it will be too much. While the game is going on, we walk, sightseeing, and definitely take hipster pictures. In fact there are many spots to visit here but we are at only this glasshouse.

:: And end with a jumping girl photo

:: When on this road, don't miss Pong Yaeng Ang Doi. I highly recommend this restaurant. It is very tasty plus the harmonious atmosphere. It is a must, really a must. Normally it is packed thus phone reservation is recommended. Highlight dish is sun dried pork, sounds simple but doesn't taste as simple. If can, end up with pineapple ice cream. Don't miss!!!

:: Lastly, Walking street. We aim to visit Doi Suthep but since everyone has already been, we therefore skip and head directly to walking street from Pong Yaeng Ang Doi. It is not far and doesn't take long at all.

::We want to draw a Free Hug Mission but when we arrive, we are so exhausted and with limited of time we skip it. We spend time walking, shopping random stuffs and clothes. Each of us manage our own time and meet at 18:00hrs for going to Chaing Mai's bus terminal (Departure 20:00hrs). This trip is really fun. I like it though it seems that there is not enough time but we manage to go anywhere we really want. When opportunity comes we will make a trip together again. Now everyone is a Gangster. See you again next trip and thank you for following up to now. Thank you.
