Not long to wait, the winter will come for us to feel cold deeply into our heart......

But for some people will warm themselves with their love one, without he or she the cold would not go a way for some reasons...

In the same saying, but even colder when the love one from last winter is no longer with he or she, not any more holding hands, not any more standing close to each other just to warm up with love temperature like the last winter......It 's so cold!!!!

As the winter is approaching , I think many people think of "Pai"

where many people would like to go back and many people would like to experience once in their life.

For me, "Pai" is a beautiful small province, which makes me get car sick and stopped for resting many times on the way up to Pai......

Even I had to vomit ten times, drove over many curves until I got suffering, when I get there, the experience

" Pai....I Love You" is the worth.........I will always return again and again!!

Pai is a small city, which is rich of nature, surrounded with mountains, covered with layers of fog, cool air through out the year....

The morning's twilight shines over green paddy while sipping coffee in the morning, what a perfect moment to earn happiness.....

In other view, Pai isn't just a small city but full of nice budget accommodations, little lovely shops, which decorated to attract it's visitors. The city features with a walking street to make the night not too quiet and more enjoyable before bed time.....

To access to Pai is possible for many routes but for me I should this way!!!!

From Chiang Mai follow 108 road number, drive into Jom Thong district, then turn right onto road number 1263 to ward Mea Jeam district.

Stop for an overnight in Mea Jeam, experience local life style and rice paddy...

Start the engine again, driving to Khun Yuam district, then turn right onto 108 road number toward Mueang Mea Hong Son district to sense the charming of authentic village architecture, local culture and Pang Ung (Royal forest park 2),know as the land of love.

Then, here we are for this review "Pai...Huay Nam Dung...I Love You" Leave Mueang district by road number 1095 toward to Pai district....

In case you would like to contact me this is another way Kha :)

On the way from Muaeng district to Pai, there are many interesting car stops, I did not turn left but turn right, I have stopped only where the I drove pass...

Luckily, I have nice weather with clear bull sky, along with green rice paddy on the way, my road trip this day was full with smiles....

Firstly as we have arrived we got to the hotel immediately

As I have told, the road has many deep curves, all of my accompanies were vomiting and fail asleep the whole way no one could enjoy Pai on this day after arriving.......

So, I had sometime to take pictures of the hotel's surrounding to be your choice in case you are looking for a nice place to stay in Pai. But please wait for my next review....

Knock Knock Knock.......Someone was knocking the door at 5 O'clock in the morning, coming with a voice " Guys get up pleassssse"

Sprung up from the bed, washed my face no shower as it was too cool...

Getting excited because our destination of the day is "Huay Nam Dung" international park, which is not far from Pai..

As we have arrived...

Please allow me to open my eyes widely and screaming WOW, because I have been travel a lot but at this point I have never ever seen such a sea fog...

The scenery, which presents in front of you is the cream white sea fog, lies under the mountains' top points. We were standing and watching almost forget to breath, the cool wind touched skin, without conscious I grabbed a hand from person who stand beside to get some warm, not long after I hear a reaction "hey you please leave my hand, I want to take a photo" !!!

When the sun is coming up, our eyes' focus was move a bit upper....

to the golden horizon at the end of the sky...

The sky at this time is so beautiful......

When the sunlight touches the sea fog, it is painted to new color as the sunlight.

I have focused on what was in front of me not even move my eyes a way for a second among many people...

The sea fog moves following the wind's beat...

I have learned so much from traveling...

Happiness, satisfaction, disappointment and patient ....

This trip has taught me not to fear of disappointment ...

because I have been standing here once years ago but I was disappointed..

Because I could rarely see, I stood among foggy but no sea fog, the sunrise was covered by big clouds. So, I could't see any as I expected to see.

But finally my dream comes true today...

I have been searching for sea fog to many places i was always disappointed ..

But my dream comes true here at this place " Huay Num Dung" national park......

Just a few moment, I turned right and left did not see other people any more only us were here. I wanted to be here as long as I can....

I wanted to remember every second and bring it with me....

I just want to say,

"I Love You ...Huay Nam Dung..." after the sunrise we returned to Pai

Pai has many attractive places.

Natural attractions such as Tha Pai hot spring, Mor Phang water fall, rafting in Pai river (Pai Canyon) and Yun Lai view point..

Cultural attractions such as temples; Mae Yen pagoda at Luang temple, Klang temple and Num Hoo tample....

and also experience culture of Yun Nan at Santichon village...

As I have said, this time was my second visiting, so I just wanted to be relax and chill no rushing to move from place to place...

Luckily, that my resort was just near Memorial bridge, so I could walked around for good photo....

Even the sun was shining but I did not feel hot because the cool wide brought the heat away.....

After the sunrise at Huay Num Dung and taking photo around the bridge we all got back to our rooms for resting and taking shower because we have skipped this morning.....

Lunch time, We drove to Pai down town with no thought where to go, no information was gathered before hand, just my first memory when I was here the first time..

Ok, then follow me to the place I was last time.. and my accompanies would like it as they are E-san food's fans....

This is the place " Som Tum Nha Ampher", which means Som Tum restaurant in front of district government house....

Let's exchange money to coupons here with the grandma...

This menu is my favorite dish, which is not very common for me to eat Som Tom with corn,,

Som Tum with grilled prok....

Dessert, but I did not try because already too full....

Generally, food was good, not that wow but we finished all (just my personal thought)

The bill included all dishes, sticky rice and drinks = 295 Bath, was not bad at all..

After lunch, we were walking around to for photo as Pai is very photogenic...

New presenter for "Coffee in Love"....

Many people probably could guess where i am, just from seeing this house...

For photo lovers, you know that this place has a lot of lovely corners for good shot...

This shop is also cute, I have been here just when they finished planting the strawberry. If you would come around January or February you might get fresh strawberry direct from the trees..

Again as I have said, this trip for me very chill and relax. Many one has said when you were in Pai the time will run slower. No No.. Not true.. I disagree.....

See!!! suddenly late afternoon....

for the late afternoon until getting dark after tired from walking around with filled stomach..

I would recommend to rest at Tha Pai hot spring (Phong Num Tha Pai).. put your feed into warm spring water and breath fresh air deeply into your lunge..

Other activities such as boiling egg in hot spring water or taking photo with it..but for me no movement this time just sit and feel comfortable while putting my feed in the spring....

Pai is very quiet, clam and relax, suitable for escaping from busy life.....

To color a bit night life here, In Pai down town has a walking street, where you can buy souvenir and grab some snack...

I think the walking street is one of Pai's charming....

This is how lovely of my beloved shop....

The shops are display their products in a pretty way...

Cute souvenir for your love ones..

I think many people are same as me, where ever you go you will buy a post card and note apart of your trip then send to your self...

And this shop brings us back to our childhood's memory as the products were popular years years ago,,,

For sure many people are re-visitor as I am....

For one, who is looking for a rent vehicle... I would recommend you to rent a motorbike better than a car because it's more flexible and you can enjoy Pai more.....

Now talking about food, Thai, Chinese, Western, Indian and real local,, all types are here...

This menu is similar to steamed egg, except put in banana leave bowl and grill, that is why it's aroma is so good....

Something sticky but delicious ...

I have marked this shop since I parked my car.............

Average taste....... four dishes plus drinks = 225 Bath

...............Tomorrow morning we plan to go to Yun Lai...............

Before leaving to Yun Lai, we have got a chance for food offering and blessing.... Uhm, a good start isn't it...

Then drove directly to "Yun Lai" view point.........

Usually, there are car tour service in front of Santichon Village, but I decided to drive up by myself, so I could get photos of road way for you.....Kha...

The street is quite narrow just pay more attention while driving..

There is 20 Bath per person for entrance fee...

Thin fog with soft wind, just to make a smoky scene....

Focusing the sun rises up from mountain top...

the air temperature is very comfortable not too cool.....

Closed up the sunrise at Yun Lai with this picture....

On the way back from Yun Lai, dropped at Santichom Village for a photo..

Too early, most of the shops are still not open.....

Some shops have opened .....

On the way back....." Pai Whan" (Sweet Pai) personally I like this hotel, in-room decorated with Kitty...

But my spouse has said NO.. because it is too sweet, he won't able to sleep... :(

Once again at "Coffee in Love"

Morning coffee here is highly recommend, nice view and not many people..

what a relax morning, good coffee surrounding with beautiful scenery....

Morning view is the best, I confirmed...

Soft morning sun shines at the green paddies and blurred with smoky fog on the back ground........

I will leave this trip with this picture......

We have heard that Pai is different from how it was.

I think Pai has not been changed, but our mind and perspective are changed...

Just pick your point to love Pai......


We would never ever forecast what would the experience will be like... and we would never known if the destination would meet our expectation......

Just open for all experiences while traveling.

I wish you enjoy every where you go......
