• I have been dreaming of a trip on the Pa Sak Jolasid Dam floating train since last year.
  • I got good news from the PR team page of the State Railway of Thailand.
  • https://www.facebook.com/pr.railway/?fref=ts
  • And the page of the team that takes the train with Mr. Ham Mun.
  • https://www.facebook.com/Thaitrainstory/?fref=ts
  • I would like to thank you very much for the information about the train.
  • This year, the State Railway of Thailand is organizing a trip to "Follow in the footsteps of the King, visit the King's dam".
  • The trip will be held on special weekends in January.
  • On January 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29, 2017.
  • Only 6 trips <<<<< Emphasize the round-trip ticket price of only 270 baht.
  • Departure time 07:10 am. Arrive at Pa Sak Jolasid Dam at 10:45 am.
  • I want to pitch a tent and wait for the booking time near Bangkok Station (Hualamphong).
  • I really want to go, I'm afraid I won't be able to go.

  • On January 13th, the first day of ticket sales, Manao rushed to buy train tickets for herself and her son, Gust Jang.
  • Gust Jang wasn't too excited, saying, "Mom, are we just going to park at the dam?"
  • "Yes, but this year there are only 6 trips, so we'll be among the lucky few who get to ride the train to the middle of the Pa Sak Cholasit Dam," Manao replied.
  • Gust Jang was still confused, but agreed, considering the round-trip train tickets as a Children's Day gift for him and his friends (sort of mandatory).
  • They were going on the same trip, but... on different days.
  • Manao went on the 21st, while Gust Jang went on the 14th.
  • Huh? What's going on?

  • This trip, Manao will be a patterned cat, taking everyone on a floating train trip to Pa Sak Cholasit Dam. It's exciting!

  • No one has arrived yet. Meow is walking around taking pictures of the special sightseeing train that has come to show us.

  • Passengers are advised to bring their own food and drinks on board the special sightseeing train, as vendors are not permitted.

  • I'm so excited I couldn't sleep! Meow arrived at the Bangkok Railway Station (Hua Lamphong) early this morning.
  • The seats are numbered 35 and 36. There are no standing tickets available, so I can't go.
  • The number of tickets is really limited, and many people didn't buy them in time.
  • It's okay, I'll take you on a tour.

  • The new seats are brightly colored, soft, and comfortable for cats. The train is also new and clean. I like it.

While waiting for the 7:10 AM train, I took a lot of photos. Everyone was doing the same, so I didn't feel self-conscious. After all, we were all there for the same reason: to take pictures.

** **

  • The train was only a few minutes late before it departed. Meow, let's go sightseeing in Bangkok first.

  • Officials are here to talk about selfie safety precautions.
  • Please look ahead so you can avoid the electric poles.
  • If you have children or grandchildren, please keep them close and don't let them wander off alone.
  • If you have any problems, please inform the train staff.

  • Meow thinks it's a Chinese tour group. At Ayutthaya Railway Station, they stopped for 5 golden minutes.
  • Wow, they got off. I got some pictures to show off. Meow is willing to take them. Take them quickly and leave quickly. The photographer doesn't have to get off. Meow will run by myself.

  • After that, we sat for a long time, enjoying the scenery on both sides of the road, or secretly taking pictures of the people next to us, which was also fun.

  • Who wouldn't want to play outside the train window, right?
  • But as the officer said, please be careful and look ahead.
  • Or take pictures when the train is completely stopped...

  • The friendly train staff noticed that we were starting to get stiff necks from sleeping.
  • So they came over to entertain us with games and prizes.

  • We then passed out for another 3 hours, the sunlight shifting from left to right. The cat started to cook, just right for eating...
  • This year, parking at the sunflower field is not allowed because they are no longer planting them.
  • It's a shame, but if we only have 3 hours to visit,
  • we would definitely be running around breathlessly. So the cat is not disappointed.

  • We have arrived at the Pa Sak Dam Station. Everyone, get your cameras ready!

  • The long-awaited moment has finally arrived!
  • While the train was moving towards the middle of the Pa Sak Cholasit Dam, Meow took a video. Please watch it at the end of the review.

  • The train stopped suddenly, my heart pounded. How could I get to the front of the train? I looked left (no way to go).

  • Everyone is just a person when you look at them directly.

  • Looking to the right, oh my god!!! Is this the Indian train that Meow saw on YouTube?

  • Get on the train backwards first, then go to the other side. Okay, take it easy, you have 30 minutes. Don't be fancy, run!

  • I ran to the front of the train and heard an officer ask, "Anyone want to ride in the locomotive?"
  • "Meow!" I raised my hand immediately. I've always dreamed of this, kind of like how I wanted to fly a plane when I was a kid.
  • I hope I get to go up to the engine room (I don't know what it's called).

  • If you can get on top of the locomotive, press the image and show it to everyone immediately.

  • The crowd was massive, with almost everyone carrying a camera to capture the moment.

  • It truly warms our hearts to see everyone appreciating the beauty of Thailand and its potential for creating unforgettable memories.

  • The cat had a lot of fun playing on the locomotive, but it couldn't stay there for long, as others wouldn't be able to enjoy the view. Many thanks to the photographer for helping the cat hold the camera when getting off the locomotive.

  • Why is it so high? It's so tall! Thank goodness Meow is used to climbing high mountains, so she's not too scared (voice trembling slightly).

  • The cat can continue to be a model. People around her are probably used to her by now.

  • Despite the overwhelming crowd, we maintained a strong sense of camaraderie. No one displayed any signs of irritation or hostility, and everyone recognized their significance in each other's photographs.

  • I was personally very impressed with the railway staff. They welcomed me, took care of me, and sent me home. Thank you very much.

  • After the last and final call to board the train, Meow ran while filming a video and taking selfies. She almost fell, but she wasn't afraid. What she was afraid of was that if the train left, she would be standing there crying in the middle of the Pasak Chonlasit Dam.

  • ...We came to visit, to take pictures, to add good memories at this place...
  • And we left without leaving any garbage or doing anything that could damage this place...

  • Farewell, floating train. See you next year, Meow, if I can snatch a ticket again like this year....

  • The train brought us to Khok Salung Station, the final stop. We had 20 minutes to spare.

  • The engine of our train was at the back, Meow. They detached it from the front and attached it to the back.
  • (This is just Meow's guess, though. 5555 Because she was busy being a cat model and didn't really listen.)

  • I'm tired from taking photos, I'm starting to get cranky. Are we going yet? I'm hot and hungry.

  • The officers have been called to their positions and are ready to depart for the Pa Sak Jolasid Dam Station.

  • It's so hot and I'm craving milk. I want to buy everything cold I see. I'll hurry up and go first, then come back and buy it later....

  • The area is crowded, and Meow is not interested in eating. Right now, she wants to collect activities that she can do first. Starting with a tram ride, admiring the dam ridge, and paying respects to the Big Buddha at Wat Muang, Saraburi Province. It costs 25 baht per person for a round trip, which is very cheap.

  • My deepest respect to all the cyclists. The weather is scorching hot on the Pa Sak Cholasit Dam ridge.

  • At this point, Meow's face is starting to wrinkle. If she keeps playing, she won't be able to bow to the Buddha in time.

  • Gust would like to recommend a ride on a cart to admire the ridge of the dam and pay respects to the **Phra Buddha Rattana Manee Maha Bophit Chol Sitsit Mongkolchai, or Luang Pu Yai Pa Sak**, a majestic Buddha statue with a lap width of 9 meters and a height of 14 meters. Completed in July 2007, it is located in Wang Muang District, Saraburi Province, at the end of the Pa Sak Cholasit Dam ridge. Gust didn't have enough time to do this during her visit (hehe, she can do it now).

After paying respects at the temple, Meow quickly boarded the tram to return. She still had several more stops to make, and her stomach was starting to rumble.

  • Enjoy a scenic drive along the dam crest, feeling the heat.

  • At the second spot, Meow went to see the big fish. They were so big that she lost track of time.

  • Point 3: I saw a review of Gust Jang, so I came here to jump. It's a way to overcome my fear.

  • Point 4 looks good. Meow wants a picture.

  • The fifth point is that I really want to dance folk songs with my grandmother, but just by standing and posing for a photo, my grandmother is already surprised.
  • "What is this?"

  • Next to the circle of the grandmother's dance, they are practicing making some kind of flag, but Meow is in a hurry.
  • There is less than an hour left, I haven't eaten rice yet. Hurry up!

  • People are eating ravenously, and many have already walked back to the train.
  • I haven't bought any OTOP products yet, just a bottle of cold water.
  • The highlight is taking a picture with the sign at the Pa Sak Cholasit Dam Station.
  • And then, where is the goat feeding station? I can't find it...

  • The journey has come to an end. Meow the striped cat took a ride on the floating train at Pa Sak Cholasit Dam.
  • It was a lot of fun, even though we didn't have much time. We explored as much as we could.
  • There were many activities that Meow didn't get to do, so I'll have to save them for next year.
  • The staff waved goodbye, and I almost cried.
  • I could see how much effort they put into organizing this event.
  • Meow was very impressed.
  • Before we part ways, Meow would like to say...
  • ...If there were any mistakes, I apologize here...
