If you've been following our page, you'll know that this trip wasn't about sightseeing. We just wanted to visit a friend by train. It was a weekday, so we didn't have the same schedule as most people. It was also the middle of the month, and we hadn't been paid yet. So, we decided to take a train to see our friend. But we still managed to take some pictures along the way, in case anyone is interested in the place we're going.

While I cannot provide detailed information on specific tourist attractions or travel routes, I can offer a concise translation of the provided text: "I cannot offer detailed information on tourist attractions or travel routes, but I believe it is not difficult to reach this location by hiring a car from the city center. Private transportation is recommended. The purpose of my visit was to take photographs, and I have captured images of the beautiful beaches of Phetchaburi that many have forgotten. I hope these images will bring back memories for those who have visited these beaches before."

Wake up everyone, let's go for a free train ride. 9:20 AM is the time for the train to Hua Hin, but we get off at another station. There are a lot of people. Why are there so many people? Oh... the children are on school break. They are taking the free train to Hua Hin for a trip.

Tourism for relaxation is about traveling in a way that makes us comfortable both during the journey and at the destination.
However, traveling is more about experiencing the chaos and excitement of the journey itself, rather than the destination, regardless of when we arrive.

I have arrived and am waiting for my friend to pick me up.

After asking a friend if their house was near the beach (the friend's house is located near Bo Phong), and they replied that it was, we borrowed a motorbike and headed out. Our destination was Puk Tian and Chao Samran, the beaches that were said to be closest to our friend's house.

Riding a motorbike under the scorching sun, I've never been to Puk Tian before. I just came here recently. There's no particular reason why I wanted to come here; I just liked the name. It sounds very Thai.

The charm lies in the ogress and the statues of the characters from the epic poem Phra Aphai Mani. These could be selling points, but there don't seem to be many tourists. It's rather quiet, but in the quiet, we find it peaceful. We probably prefer a less crowded beach.

This is a blank paragraph.

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This time, I came to take pictures and wanted a miniature version of the sea. Everything in the sea looks miniature. Is it minimal enough? I wanted it to be wide and comfortable to the eye, with small people. But the sun is so hot. If I walked in the evening, it would be comfortable, but I came at 10 am, so it's blazing hot during this hot season.

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The review lacks substance, as everyone is already familiar with this beach. It's a beach that's slowly being forgotten as people flock to Cha-am instead. The focus is on the visuals, with all photos taken on a Samsung Galaxy A5 and edited using VSCOcam.

The water was still playable, luckily there was a little model playing in the water. I thought I would only be able to take pictures of the empty sea.

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The original text is empty. There is nothing to translate.

The waves are strong. If children are playing in the water, please have a parent or guardian supervise them.

We were a little scared, and there was a sash too.

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The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The quiet atmosphere offers a unique experience, making you feel like you have the entire beach to yourself. This family-friendly destination provides a relaxing escape. Simply sit back, listen to the waves, enjoy the breeze, and savor delicious food. There's no need to swim if you don't want to. However, the abundance of rocks in this area detracts from the overall aesthetic. Implementing some landscaping improvements would significantly enhance the visual appeal.

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Let's head to another beach. It's on the same road, not too far away. It's easy to find, with signs all along the way. You can even ask the locals for directions. You won't even need a map.

The beach at Chao Samran has seen an increase in the number of shops and stalls since I last visited, indicating a higher number of visitors compared to Puk Tian. This was evident even on a weekday, likely due to the school holidays. Puk Tian is located 21 km from Phetchaburi city center, while Chao Samran beach is 15 km away.

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The beach was crowded with lifeguards and nurses on the day of the training. There were plenty of people to help, so there was no need to worry about drowning. Life jackets were available in exchange for ID cards, ensuring maximum safety. If there are frequent reports of drowning, it's important to remember that the sea or others may not always be to blame. The authorities constantly issue warnings, and it's crucial to heed them. This applies to all beaches. In general, it's best to err on the side of caution and follow any warnings or restrictions. Ultimately, it's our responsibility to protect ourselves.

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No problem, being a beach dog, huh? After I finished taking a sneaky picture, she woke up and barked at me all over the beach!

Historically, Chao Samran Beach has been a popular tourist destination. Legend has it that King Naresuan the Great visited the beach with his brother, King Ekathotsarot. They were so captivated by the beach's beauty that they stayed for several days. As a result, the locals named the beach "Chao Samran," which translates to "Beach of the King's Delight." (This information is partially sourced from Google.)

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

I wish I could have taken more photos, but the sun was just too hot. I had to head back after only 2-3 hours, before my train back to Bangkok. Many people say that the places reviewed online aren't actually that beautiful. I want to say that beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. The camera is in our eyes. If we change our perspective on photography and travel, and don't expect too much, we won't be disappointed. I guarantee that you'll have fun wherever you go, even if the place isn't particularly beautiful. Every place I've been to has a story and a memory that I'll always cherish, no matter how much time has passed and how much the place has changed.

On the way back, I have a funny story to tell about myself.

On the way back from the beach, riding a motorbike was so hot that I had to cry for my life. But I saw something and wanted to take a picture. There were a lot of cows around here.
I saw a cow and stopped the car. I crossed the road. I had only taken three steps when the cow ran away. I ran away without thinking. Hahaha. I stopped and stood in the middle of the road, not daring to walk any further. Hey, what kind of woman is afraid of cows? What are they afraid of me for, Sister Aoi, Sister Chot? The cows are so cute. They run with their ears up. I stood laughing at the cows in the middle of the road alone. It's a good thing there were no cars.
I wanted to get a candid picture of a beautiful cow. The result was a picture of a cow running away. Hahaha. The last picture on the far right is very serious about coming out of the ditch.
Under the impression of riding a motorbike this time.
