The origin of "Buddhism" is "India". Buddhists like us all want to visit it once. Today, "Kin Kaem Tui, Talui Travel" takes the opportunity to "Thai Smile Airways" to invite you to join the trip. With a direct flight to Lucknow, India, the starting point of this pilgrimage trip….

Traveling with "Thai Smile" airlines was a warm experience. The staff was attentive and provided excellent service (I must say, the air hostesses were very charming). The food served on board was delicious, and I finished it all. After a satisfying meal, I took a nap. The flight was a relaxing one, taking only about 3.30 hours.

Upon arrival at the destination, "Lucknow City" in India, around midnight, I checked in at the "Renaissance Hotel." The accommodation was comfortable, and food was readily available. This allowed me to rest and refresh before exploring the next day. The first destination of the trip was "Sravasti City." It's important to note that the time in India is 1.30 hours behind Thailand. Therefore, it's advisable to adjust your watch to the local time.

The city of **Sravasti** holds significant importance in Buddhism due to its numerous sacred sites, including the **Miracle of Sravasti**, **Jetavana Monastery**, and **Mulagandhakuti Vihara**. Traveling from **Lucknow** to **Sravasti** by minibus takes approximately four hours. During the journey, we witnessed the vibrant local life along the roads, bustling with activity and the constant sound of car horns. The people here seem to honk their horns frequently, suggesting a fast-paced lifestyle. While the reason for their haste remains unclear, we shall return to our own narrative.

The Jetavana Monastery, also known as Sahet, is a royal monastery of the Buddha.

The Jetavana Monastery: A Place of Significance in Buddhist History

The Jetavana Monastery, also known as Sahet, is a significant Buddhist temple located in the city of Sravasti. This royal monastery holds immense importance in Buddhist history, as it served as the primary residence of the Buddha for 19 rainy seasons.

The area in front of the monastery is believed to be the site where Devadatta, the Buddha's cousin and rival, was swallowed by the earth as punishment for his evil deeds. Within the monastery grounds stands the "Ananda Bodhi Tree," planted by the Buddha's close disciple, Ananda, during the Buddha's lifetime.

The Mulagandhakuti Vihara, the Buddha's residence, has been meticulously excavated and landscaped. Additionally, the viharas of Sariputta, Moggallana, and Angulimala, who was ordained as a monk at Jetavana Monastery, are also located here.

**"Ananda Bodhi"** is a bodhi tree planted by Venerable Ananda during the Buddha's time. Its seeds were taken from the Sri Maha Bodhi tree under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. Although it is not as old as the Sri Maha Bodhi tree, it is still considered a very old bodhi tree, being over 2,500 years old.

The house of "Anathapindika the wealthy merchant"

A short distance from Jetavana Monastery, one can find the **"Residence of Anathapindika"**, a wealthy merchant from the city of Savatthi. Anathapindika used his personal funds to purchase the land for the construction of Jetavana Monastery, which he then offered to the Buddha.

After visiting the ruins of "Jetavana Monastery" in Savatthi, despite seeing only remnants that have endured the passage of time, the palpable sense of devotion and the enduring grandeur of Buddhism make the experience truly worthwhile.

The birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini, is located in the Rupandehi District of Nepal.

Lumbini Grove is currently located in the Rupandehi District of Nepal, near the Indian border. Situated north of the city of Kapilavastu, it lies between the towns of Kapilavastu and Devdaha. Covering an area of approximately 2,000 acres, Lumbini Grove is home to the "Mayadevi Temple," the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. Inside the temple, one can find a "statue of Queen Mayadevi" giving birth to Prince Siddhartha, as well as the "footprints of Prince Siddhartha." Outside the temple stands the "Ashoka Pillar," which bears an inscription stating that this is the birthplace of Prince Siddhartha. The "Puskarini Pond" is located behind the Mayadevi Temple.

Kusinara, the site of the Buddha's parinirvana.

This morning, the pilgrimage group following in the footsteps of the Buddha with Thai Smile Airways woke up early to continue their journey to their next destination: **Kusinara**. Our group stopped for breakfast at Wat Thai 960, where the roti was delicious. According to Chansamhod, it was truly exceptional, and he finished the entire plate himself.

"Reclining Buddha" at the Parinirvana Hall

The Buddha reached "Kusinara," one of the two main cities of the Malla kingdom during his time. Located across the river from the city of Pava, it was home to the "Salavana Grove," where the Buddha attained Parinirvana. Today, Kusinara boasts the "Great Stupa," built by Emperor Ashoka to enshrine the Buddha's relics. The Parinirvana Temple houses a reclining Buddha statue, surrounded by numerous ancient religious structures.

The Parinirvana Buddha statue is a masterpiece of Gupta art (320-550 CE) created by skilled artisans from Mathura. It measures approximately 7 meters in length and 1 meter in height. The statue rests on a sandstone platform and is crafted from the red sandstone of Chunar.

The Buddha's face remains radiant, suggesting that it is as if the Buddha has just entered Nirvana.

"Makutphanthachai Chedi" is the site where the royal cremation ceremony of the Buddha's relics was held.

**"Makutabandhana Chetiya"**, also known locally as Ram Bhar-Ka-Tila, is located one kilometer east of the **"Mahaparinirvana Stupa"**. It is the site where the Buddha's cremation ceremony took place. Originally, it was a pyre of sandalwood logs. After the cremation, a stupa was built over it. Later, it was excavated and discovered as the large brick stupa ruins seen today. The stupa measures 46.14 meters around the base and has a diameter of 37.18 meters. Evidence clearly indicates that this is the site of the Buddha's cremation, or Makutabandhana Chetiya, as Buddhists call it.

After leaving **"Kushinagar"**, the group continued their journey to **"Lucknow"**. Along the way, they encountered a **"Nilgai"**, an ancient animal or a creature from the Himalayas, which appears in literature such as the Phra Aphai Mani, under the name **"Nila Mangkorn"**. The Nilgai is a very rare animal, found only in northern India, Pakistan, and Nepal.


Nilgai is an animal with distinctive features: a horse-like body, a deer-like head, goat-like horns, and a coat color that varies by sex. Males are typically nilgai or gray-black (misty color), while females are reddish-brown, resembling deer. They inhabit lowland plains and prefer to live in herds, with some herds numbering 5-20 individuals. Nilgai feed on grass and vegetables and are currently a protected species in India.

Bara Imambara

The Great Mosque of Lucknow, a magnificent edifice blending Hindu and Islamic architectural styles, stands as a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage. Its grandeur and beauty rival those of any other mosque in the world, captivating visitors with its intricate details and awe-inspiring scale.

"Ambedkar Memorial Park"

Ambedkar Memorial Park: A Monumental Masterpiece

"Ambedkar Memorial Park" stands as a testament to grandeur, a public space devoid of greenery yet brimming with architectural magnificence. The park offers a captivating backdrop for capturing the golden hour's glow, as demonstrated by the photographer's stunning images featuring a beautiful model.

Indian people seem to like tourists. They saw us and asked to take pictures with us. If I have the chance next time, I will definitely collect some money. I'm sure I can get a lot of rupees.

The pilgrimage to India in the footsteps of the Buddha was a truly blessed experience. The opportunity to witness the magnificent architecture, immerse oneself in the local culture, and appreciate the artistic heritage is something everyone should strive to experience at least once in their lifetime.

There are many other fascinating tourist destinations waiting to be discovered by travelers seeking artistic and captivating experiences.

The "Following in the Footsteps of the Buddha" pilgrimage was a truly rewarding experience. We are grateful to Thai Smile Airways, the "Smile of the Sky," for making this spiritual journey possible. We were able to experience the rich culture and traditions of India while also gaining merit. For those who are inspired to embark on a pilgrimage to India, Thai Smile Airways now offers direct flights to Lucknow. For more information, please contact the call center at 1181 or 02-118-8888, or visit the website at Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the Media & Blogger Club team for the beautiful photos. Thank you. ^.^

In conclusion, "Gin Gaem Tui, Talui Tiew" sincerely hopes that readers will have the opportunity to experience the charm of India, the land of Buddhism. We believe that everyone will be impressed and cherish these memories for a lifetime.

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