"Where is "Ban Mung"? Oh, it's in Mueang Phitsanulok District, Phitsanulok Province."

The calendar shows September, and the rain is falling steadily. (This is a reference to a song, "In June, the rain falls steadily." However, we think it's not just falling steadily anymore; it's flooding! Haha!)

It seems like the rainy season is coming to an end. Where should we go for a trip? Let's go somewhere lush, wet, and refreshing. This time, we'll take you to a province that's not too far away, Phitsanulok. Oh, are we going to pay respects to the Buddha?!

No, we will take you to experience another world in Phitsanulok province. We will go to a small village called "Ban Mung". Many people may be confused about "Ban Mung". Where is it? We rarely hear its name.

If we say, "Oh, we are going to 'Noen Maprang'", you will immediately understand, right?

Actually, Ban Mung is a village located in Noen Maprang district.

According to the world's geography, this area, a city 350 million years old, was once a sea.

Let's embark on a short weekend trip to a nearby province. **Ban Mung, Nein Maprang in Phitsanulok Province** is our destination for this trip.

Don't let money be an excuse for not traveling. If you want to travel, just go! It doesn't cost much. Travel with us!
Our page: https://facebook.com/maikeebaht
Feel free to ask for more details.
IG: https://instagram.com/mr.konr

Please embrace my work with open arms. I filmed and edited this video all by myself. It's quite enjoyable to work alone, haha!

Embark on the journey!

Our journey began at Hua Lamphong Railway Station. We opted for the latest train, aiming to arrive in Phitsanulok, our final destination, between 4 and 5 am. This strategy allowed us to avoid waiting at the station and proceed directly with our onward travel upon arrival. The train departed Hua Lamphong at 10 pm and was scheduled to arrive at 4:37 am, according to the ticket. We chose the express train, opting for the 3rd class carriage. The cost was 219 baht. While we considered upgrading to the 2nd class, which was only slightly more expensive, we stuck to our budget-conscious approach.

The train departed from Hua Lamphong at 10 pm, passing by scenic views as we dozed off and woke up intermittently. We were so engrossed in the journey that we accidentally fell asleep until the conductor announced our arrival in Phitsanulok. Wow, time flies! It's now 4:45 am, and the train is surprisingly on time. However, the rain has arrived right on schedule, drenching the surroundings.

Don't worry, I'm going alone. I set up the camera, recorded a video, and then took a screenshot. Haha!
Let's put that aside for now. But how are we going to get to Khao Hin Son with all this rain?
The problem is how to continue...
We walked out of the train station and saw an uncle with a strange-looking pickup truck.
It looked similar to the ones in Ayutthaya. So I went up to him and asked, "How do I get to Khao Hin Son?"

The old man said, "I need to go to the old bus station. What time does the first bus leave?"
The old man said, "7 am. Should I wait for people or just go?"
I asked, "If I go now, how much will it cost?"
The old man said, "80 baht." It was raining, so I decided to go.
I didn't want to bargain with the old man (although I probably could have).
The first trip, I let the old man win. Or maybe I got ripped off. Haha. 555

Old Bus Terminal, Phitsanulok Province

Approximately half an hour from the train station, we arrived at the old bus terminal in Phitsanulok.
The staff were confused, seeing us carrying tents and large backpacks. They asked if we were going to Phu Soi Dao, which is a popular hiking destination.
We replied that we were going to Noen Maprang, and they seemed even more confused. We were also confused by their reaction.
They then told us to buy tickets at a specific location.

We arrived just in time for the first bus of the day. Departing early in the morning like this, the rain falling on the roadside, the atmosphere should be good. The fare is 70 baht. The bus is very good, it's an air-conditioned bus. But I want to say that my dream was shattered. We intended to take a sweetเย็น bus, but I don't know why, I didn't see it. Or maybe they changed it? T_T I saw a picture somewhere of an orange bus, I wanted to ride that one. Huhuhu.

The rain has been falling continuously throughout the journey. In some areas, the floodwater is so high that the road is completely submerged. The situation is quite serious. We are concerned about the conditions in the Neen Ma Prang area.

After about an hour and a half, we arrived at Noen Maprang district. The rain was still pouring heavily. We wondered how to get to our destination from here. A motorcycle taxi driver approached us and asked where we were going. We told him we wanted to go to Ban Mung and asked how much it would cost. The driver said 80 baht, even though we saw a sign that said 60 baht. We felt like he was trying to overcharge us. We told him to wait because the rain was still too heavy to travel. We thought to ourselves that we would try to hitch a ride. There might be some cars going that way. We decided to keep the motorcycle taxi as a last resort.

Should I wave or not? I was contemplating for a while, browsing through my data, when suddenly a message popped up from the Facebook page of Unseen Noen Ma Prang. They asked, "Where are you, kid? Have you arrived at Noen Ma Prang yet? I'm on my way to Ban Mung, I can pick you up." It felt like a blessing from the heavens, as if it was meant to be. I was saved! However, the rain continued to fall relentlessly.

This is Toon, the owner of the page Here, Noen Maprang District, Phitsanulok Province, Noen Maprang Lovers Group.
He picked us up at the hotel. I want to ask how much rain is falling. This much.

I understand that you want me to translate the sentence "Please Translate

". However, the sentence itself is in English and does not require translation.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Upon arrival, the host, Phi Tun, informed the visitors that he would take them to hidden, scenic spots on the Ma Prang Hill. However, heavy rain raised concerns about potential flooding on the road.

Wow, it's really as beautiful as my brother said. I can't believe this is Phitsanulok Province. It's like being in another world.

From the district of Noen Maprang, we headed towards Ban Mung, our intended destination.

It took us about half an hour to get here. It was like a blessing from the sky. The rain suddenly stopped, revealing an extraordinary sight.

The following is a translation of the provided text from Thai to English:

"Is this really Phitsanulok? We've finally arrived at Ban Mung, Noen Maprang!"

The original text uses informal language and includes elongated vowels and repeated words for emphasis, which are common features in spoken Thai. The translation attempts to capture the informal tone and excitement of the original text while using grammatically correct English.

The view behind us is breathtakingly beautiful, leaving me speechless. The gentle rain adds an indescribable charm to the scene.

The view is stunning and unique. It's a small village with a massive black mountain range in the background. It's truly remarkable.

Let's go!

Neen Maprang, as Brother Tun asked.

Let's go! What are we waiting for? Let's take a tour of Neen Maprang, shall we?

Let's do one round.

Here, there are open-top Mercedes-Benz VIP tour cars available. One round costs 1,000 baht, which is a private rental price. It can accommodate approximately 10-12 people. It would be an amazing experience, but today we couldn't take it. Instead, we rode in Brother Tun's car. However, the view was still good.

Based on this image, the car is not being pulled by a dog. This is Milo, and the owner is the driver.

Passing through the scenic views, I must say the atmosphere is fantastic. The green rice fields contrast beautifully with the limestone mountains.

"Driving slowly, enjoying the slow life, even with a light iced tea, it would probably be sticky. 555"


  • The original text is informal and uses slang. The translation aims to capture the meaning while maintaining a more formal tone.
  • The phrase "ชาเย็นชิบเบาๆ" is a slang term for a type of iced tea. The translation provides a literal translation ("light iced tea") but could also be translated as "lightly sweetened iced tea" or "slightly chilled iced tea" depending on the context.
  • The number "555" is often used in Thai online communication to express laughter. The translation retains this element to convey the playful tone of the original text.

There are some areas with slight flooding, but this is not an issue for a high-end vehicle like a Mercedes-Benz. You can drive through it comfortably.

In reality, if you can walk on this road, you should definitely do so. You will get a ton of great photo angles. No matter where you look, it's incredibly impressive.

A photo request with a VIP Mercedes-Benz car following Uncle a little bit. Wow, Uncle is so cool.
We drove slowly and stopped to take photos along the way.

This route also features a waterfall, not the "lab moo lab gai" waterfall (a Thai dish). Just kidding! The waterfall we're referring to is Khun Huai Thoen Waterfall, and the entrance is located at Baan Rai Phu Tawan, a resort with stunning views.

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The price is around 500-600 baht for a room with a private bathroom. You can sleep surrounded by nature.
We apologize that we do not have a contact number. If you are not staying, you are welcome to come and take pictures.

Let's go see the waterfall that we talked about.

The provided text is an empty paragraph containing only a line break. As there is no actual content to translate, I cannot provide a translation in this instance.

Please provide the actual text you wish to be translated, and I will be happy to assist you.

The heavy rain has been falling for 4-5 days, and the water has flooded the area, making it impossible to go there.

The tour around the village is complete. This is the tour car of Ban Mung. One round takes about 2-3 hours.

We completely forgot about the time because we were enjoying the view. For those who are interested, you can contact Brother Tun or anyone in the village. They will arrange it for you. 1,000 baht is definitely worth it.

Now, let's head back to the village. But where will we sleep tonight? We don't have a place to stay yet.

Brother Mole saw us carrying the tent, so he asked if we were going to pitch the tent and sleep there. He then suggested that we sleep there, as other places were dangerous due to the recent heavy rains. During our car ride, we saw a rockslide, which was scary but also strangely beautiful.

We found a place to stay, it's next to Uncle Jao's house. It looks like an old studio.
The atmosphere is good, the dog is friendly, and the studio is cool.

With our belongings packed, we decided to embark on an exploratory walk, capturing the sights of Ban Mung through our lenses. Let's discover what this charming village has to offer.

A familiar image, and one that I have seen and am familiar with, is the limestone hills of Mae Prang. The landmark road is a picture of the road with limestone as a backdrop.

The origin of the name "Landmark Road" remains a mystery, but it has undoubtedly become a local landmark in the Mung Nern Ma Prang community. Visitors often inquire about the best photo spots and angles, but tonight, our focus lies elsewhere. Craving a barbecue feast, we consulted with Brother Tun about nearby fresh produce vendors. He pointed us towards a local shop, just a short walk away, where we could find all the ingredients for our grilling adventure.

Wow, that's amazing! What are you having to eat? You're living the good life.
You came alone and marinated the food yourself? We'll see how it turns out. You're marinating it randomly? Haha.

We borrowed Uncle Jhang's kitchen to cook our meal today. After we finished marinating the food, he told us that there were bats in the area. We stood at the front of the house and saw them!

The sentence is already in English and does not require translation.

The question is about the taste, right? Well, let's just say it's edible. Haha!

Look, even the two dogs are waiting to eat. It shows that this meal is a hit!

In a matter of moments, hundreds of thousands, even millions of bats emerge from their roost, creating a breathtaking spectacle. This extraordinary sight raises the question: what kind of place is this? How can nature be so perfectly prepared for such an event?

Counted 1 million 6 hundred 7 ten thousand 3 thousand 65 characters. Oh, then another 1 character makes it 67, huh? 555

Every day, around 5-6 pm, we can find a flock of bats here. Every day.
Another beautiful night ends.

We continued to grill, enjoying ourselves until almost 9 pm. Looking up at the sky, we were amazed to see the Milky Way with our naked eyes! Unfortunately, our camera wasn't powerful enough to capture the stars.

On a Sunday morning, before heading back to Bangkok, we decided to visit a temple. Yes, a real temple! We had planned to capture photos of monks collecting alms. We set our alarms for 5:30 AM, determined to wake up in time to offer food and take pictures. However, we ended up waking up after 7:00 AM. Despite our tardiness, we were still fortunate enough to capture some images.

The morning in Ban Mung, Noen Maprang is fantastic! The weather is beautiful.
Wait a minute, where are my shoes?!

Oops, I was only gone for a moment. T T Luckily, I brought two pairs of shoes.
The village headman drove by and asked if I wanted to go to his garden. He offered to take me there.

Wow, uncle's garden is amazing! Where did it go? Last night, I should have camped and slept here. It must have been amazing. But to be honest, I wouldn't dare to camp here alone. Haha.

The uncle said that there used to be motorcycle races here. Really? The uncle said it was true. Anyone who likes off-road racing should come and try it out.

The uncle then asked if we were going anywhere else. We replied that we were going to the temple. The kind uncle then offered to give us a ride. The people here are so friendly.

This is Wat Ban Mung, a stunning temple with intricate black lacquer carvings. The level of detail is truly remarkable.

The temple also features caves, including the Nang Sibsong Cave and the Luang Pho Bunmee Cave.

Let's talk about the Nang Sib Song Cave. I'm not sure if it's related to the movie or the Jataka tales. I don't know the history of the cave myself, but you can walk inside. However, it's currently flooded, so you can't enter. 5555

The provided text is an empty paragraph containing only a line break. As there is no actual content to translate, I cannot provide a translation in this instance.

Please provide a sentence or phrase that requires translation, and I will be happy to assist you.

This is the rock that we said collapsed last night. The sound was like an earthquake.

Tham Luang Pho Bun Mee

Alright, I think it's time to head home. Let's pack our things.
Brother Mole said he would take us to the district, but he would take a detour to see the view.
He said he would take us to the Tham Pha Ta Phon Wildlife Sanctuary.

The scenery along the way is already beautiful.

This is a carved stone with Japanese characters. The Japanese read it as "correct." No one has translated this mysterious inscription into English yet. It is unknown why it was carved. However, it is believed that this place was once a Japanese military camp during World War II. If there is any incorrect information, please forgive me.

This is a story about a two-day trip to a small district called Noen Maprang. The writer expresses their desire to stay longer and explore more of the area, promising to return in the future. They apologize for any errors in the information provided. The writer then describes their journey back to Bangkok, taking a bus instead of a train. The bus ride was comfortable and air-conditioned, taking approximately five hours to reach the city.
