... ♪ When cold wind gently flows ♫, The birds sing pleasantly... The flowers... The bees are appreciating ♪ Such a happy and enjoy moment, beautiful time...

...Every time upon the cold wind is approaching, this Royal Song that I have been listening ever since I was a child also comes to my mind regularly.... The happiness of our body being touched softly by the chilling wind is a feeling many people are yearning for and wish to embrace it for a long time ... Because our weather is getting hotter everyday... So just a short time of soft wind touching make us feel so good that we want to enjoy it as long as possible ...

...Hello everyone, this album I want to collect photos from all different routes that I have visited since last year from November to this year April... Also, this is the collection of several years... I'm sure that many places are quite familiar to travel-lovers, but I still want to put them here for someone who hasn't been there yet or someone who might consider it as a choice for future destination...

...These photos are the collection from the North and the South of our beautiful Thailand... Like I introduced earlier, some places are from several years ago, some are from recent... So possibly, the photo at that day and today may have some differences, but it's just a minor different, no big change at all... Most of these places are natural attractions, I will provide only short travel information for famous attractions and more details on the natural destinations that we are less familiar with... But one thing for sure, I will give a full description of the atmosphere and scenery of all attractions, enough for you to get a big picture of what it looks like, and the rest I hope you can take on your own journey and feel it personally.

P.S. ... This album is the collection of a little less than 20 natural attractions... but the photos are over 100 ... may be while downloading them, you can go for a walk and come back to enjoy them :)

... “Doi PhaTang" at Chiang Rai... It is situated at Wiang Kaen District, 30 km. away from Phu Chee Fah... Most people will come here to appreciate the sunrise and the mist of sea fog... On that evening, I changed the role from a driver to a photographer, shooting the view all along the way... Finally, we arrive here just on time for the sun begin to going down...

...·The weather is chilling, so relaxing. After choosing the nice location for photo shooting, I'm just standing to enjoy the weather and waiting for the sun to actually say goodbye to us and fading away from the clear sky in front of us... The next morning, we drive up and walk a little bit more and once again, we are at Doi Pha Tang... I still remember so clear of that beautiful sea fog stretching far far away... The cold wind softly touching us letting us know that it's the end of the year in combine with the light from the sun in that day, everything is just so unforgettably beautiful...Even though that was my only time on Doi Pha Tang, but I'm so impressed, beyond words can describe....

... “Phu Lang Ka National Park and Phu Nom" at Phayao... From Doi Pha Tang, Wiang Kaen District, Chiang Rai, we drive along the highway no. 1155 into 1021 and heading for 1148, the highway that will take us to Phu Lang Ka National Park... Along the route, it's easy driving...You can also stop to find something to eat or take some photos and then keep driving towards Phayao... until reaching the Phu Lang Ka National Park, which will be on the left hand side. That day, we set up the tent for the night (I guess the national park yet have any accommodation but the rental tents )...So now save up energy and wake up early the next morning to rent the car from staff and driving towards the highest hilltop of Phu Lang Ka viewpoint... And our first photo is the hilltop of Phu Lang Ka and I'm standing on Phu Nom for this shot.

...Once driving to the top, we need to walk a little further, turning left is going towards hilltop of Phu Lang Ka and the right to Phu Nom... And this photo captures the hilltop of Phu Nom (Milk mountain)... The name sounds lovely right? Quite delicate, and I have to say the scenery is just compatibly delightful... Driving up early morning followed by a short walk, standing up high on the hilltop to feel the cold wind and closely watch the rhythm of sea fog slowly moving ... This is the true happiness of standing on a physically small ground but indeed psychologically remarkable grand...

... “Phu Lang Ka Resort Viewpoint". Keep driving straight from the Phu Lang Ka National park for about 1 hour...you will see Phu Lang Ka resort. Here, many people call it a 3 digit accommodation but 6 figures viewpoint...

... From the viewpoint in front of the room with a higher angle, you will see the below view of the giant limestone stood outstandingly along with exceptional beautiful rice fields scenery... As for the sea fog here, we will also be able to see if coming in a nice weather during the end of raining season, but if we were visiting during winter time like December, we will definitely not miss it... The endless sea fog softly moving below, now let's satisfy our morning joyful time with this spectacular view ....

...Late morning, even afternoon or evening, we can drive down to take a walk below the hill or along the way, it is another astonishing beautiful view, both for enjoyment time and for photography time.

...Waiting for the right moment of the lighting is the same thing as buying lottery, each day we can never anticipate what the nature will have to offer to us... If we were lucky, then we will win the lottery, and even if we lose, we can still find the alternatives. Anyway, the ultimate happiness of travel is to take some time off and totally enjoy the happy moment with friends and family... And if we were be able to capture some good memories back home, I think it is already more than worthy....

... “ Doi Smer Dow" Srinan National Park at Nan... From Phu Lang Ga of Phayao... driving towards Muang District, Nan and looking for the sign of Srinan National Park... During the long New Year holiday, it is not difficult to imagine how big the tourists crowd could be, many tents at the tenting area has been set up in welcoming many tourists... and of course, I'm one of them...

... A large number of tourist is as typically quite chaos as any long holiday could have offered, and due to this is an inevitable time to travel, no other possible free time, then we still must come... But, the nature does not care neither know the numbers of the tourists, it always shine its winter beauty to the tourists everyday....

... On the evening, we sit on the grass filed to enjoy the wind and watch the kids playing and running around, many people are having good time at taking photos... On the next morning, we wake up early and wait for the first light of the day... The atmosphere and colorful time of hearing people chatting happily when the sun is slowly presenting itself over the cloud of fog is another happy moment of every travelers... including me...

... “Khun Wang" Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Center (Khun Wang)...Now we are moving to Khun Wang which is situated in the same area as Doi Inthanon... Start from Doi Inthanon bottom route, we drive up to pass Wachirathan waterfall until the km. of 31, the road will be paved for another 20 km. Along the way, there may be some rough road, but the sedan can go easily and then just keep driving until we see the Khun Wang Royal Agriculture Research Center...

... Accommodation service is offered at Khun Wang, but during the holiday, it can be easily filled... So the Research Center also provides tents for the tourists... Inside the center, the flowers are beautifully decorated for the pleasure of the tourists, and the highlight here is "Dok Phaya Sua Krong" (or Thailand Sakura).. Please also remember to check the blossom time in advance. Only when coming in the right time, we will see them blossom along two sides of the road inside the center...

...P.S. Before reaching the Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Center (Khun Wang), you can also stop by the Conservation Center for Paphiopedilum to enjoy their beauty...

... “Mae Jon Luang" is situated in the same area as the Chiang Mai Royal Agricultural Research Center (Khun Wang). At its front entrance, there will be small road leading to "Mae Jon Luang Royal Agricultural Research Center. The distance is 6 k.m. but only paved during the beginning, mostly the road is steep and rough, not recommended for a sedan (my most recent visit was at the end of 2013, the staff at Khun Wang told me I could go with my sedan, but after going only half way, I had to come back...otherwise, my sedan could be really bad). So if you would like to go, please double check again for the information.

...But the photos here were taken before the year of 2013, at time when I traveled with Ford Everest car which was quite ok to go.... However, the driver also needs to be quite experienced and have the control of the car for the safety... Anyway, once we reach the destination, what is waiting for us is the ultimate beauty all around, especially during the blossom time of Thailand Sakura ... Just one word "terribly beautiful"...

... “Doi Inthanon" at Chiang Mai.... I think I don't need to give much description to this popular place... Its reputation and popularity has long been heard. Doi Inthanon has welcomed many thousands of tourists and continue to attract more tourists to come.. This is another destination that tourists usually wish to come...

...During the holiday, Doi Inthanon is filled with tourists from all over the place, driving here with auto gear is good, however for the manual gear, you need to be more careful...especially when there is a traffic jam and you need to drive and stop on the steep hills which could lead to some accidents... Another difficulty includes to park in a limited space. It can be another challenge even though with the assistance from the staff, so we can act more generous and share the parking lot to one another... Our journey then can be filled with happiness...

... “Huai Nam Dang" ... Huai Nam Dang National Park at Chiang Mai... Driving from Muang district, Chiang Mai towards Mae Rim and Mae Taeng district and turn left towards Pai district, Maehongson... Huai Nam Dang is located just along that route...

...The reputation and popularity of Huai Nam Dang during winter time can attract and welcome tourists as always... The view of endless sea fog in the morning and the spacious viewpoint... including the viewpoint to enjoy sunset and sunrise, all are ready for your pleasure...

... In the evening time, some day when the weather is cold enough, you may also see the sea fog resting on between the mountains the same way you usually see when the sun is about to rise and gradually shine its first light of the day behind the large piece of white mist.... This beautiful moment from Huai Nam Dang is still a desired view for many more tourists to come....

...Even though this top destination is like any other top destinations that is especially filled with tourists during winter time, but no matter how much tourists can be or how long time has passed, Huai Nam Dang has never changed in its beauty....

... “Ban Wat Chan Pine Forest Royal Project" at Galyani Vadhana district, Chiang Mai...Start from driving down along Huai Nam Dang road until you see the intersection of turning left towards Ban Wat Chan... Going straight towards Pai district, Maehongson... If you have time and would like to feel the serenity and tranquility, I recommend you to turn left here.....

...From that, continue to drive approximately 40 km. The road is paved but still experienced some small holes and some roughness... Overall, the sedan can easily go even though with some steep road or some elbow angle turning, but driving slowly and carefully, you will be safely arriving at the destination....

...Serenity, nature abundance, and yet crowded of this place has kept me coming back one time after the other... I'm a resident of Bangkok but in the past 4 years, I have visited Ban Wat Chan 5 times already... and counting for more to come for sure....

...The view of the largest pine forests in Thailand and South East Asia region can guarantee its richness in nature. Here is considerably a bit quiet compared to the places I have mentioned above, but believe me, this is the unique charm of Ban Wat Chan...

...Actually, I really would love to create one album just to describe the story about Ban Wat Chan, But let's do it next time.... For this time, I will just give the overall view of what Ban Wat Chan is all about and why is it so charming....

...The reservoir, a small pond within the area...When the water is completely still, we will see the shadow of the pine trees being reflected on the water as well as the sky above it in an upside down manner... and the shadow some time cut off by slow wave when the wind is stopping by, the happiness of watching the nature closely in a peaceful environment is relatively difficult to find these days....

... The alarm of my cell phone rings very early in the next morning, and no matter how many times I have been here already, I still get up at once... Although sometimes I wake up and standing near the reservoir but not seeing fog or the first light from the sun... From 4 out of 5 times of my experience here, I always can fully feel the richness of the nature in the early morning...

...The light from the sun that arising behind the line of pine trees in the far far away angle is the last thing to be seen, it let the things surrounding us, the fog, to quietly moving above the water... some move quick, some is slow, some stay still as allowed by the rhythm of the soft wind blowing by...

... In addition to the scenery of the mist over water, there are many maple trees showing their orange, red leaves to give us more impression... Although there are not so many of them, but this small space of maple trees never stop shining its beauty to every tourists who have come visited...

... Orange and red from maple leaves from both morning and evening has assist in painting the Ban Wat Chan Pine Forest Royal Project to be much more colorful and lively.....

... And I would love to end our story with the highlight of the pine tree project with "Dok Phaya Sue Krong" (Thailand Sakura)... The number of the trees may not be full of street or occupy the large land like the other places... but believe me, it is equally beautiful...

... In the morning, we can feel the atmosphere of the mist over water, a little later we will hear the migrated birds chatting to one another... enjoying their sweet tea time from the high up pollen that is unreachable for us, they would fly to Thailand when they encounter the winter and flying back to their home when the winter is over, and keep coming back and forth years after years... Only one single place, I already give 6 comments... If time allows next time, I would give its full description....

...From the chilling wind of mountains and endless sea fog of our Northern land... Keeping the wing on and moving to our Southern land of beautiful Andaman sea, is compatibly a joy and happy time.... Whether to love chilling wind or prefer the sea breeze.... totally up to your call from your heart....

... “Koh Phayam" .. at Ranong... Let's start our Southern journey from the first province towards the South... This island is still quiet, not yet so prosperous, not so much chaos crowds... Even if it is the New Year Eve holiday, the tourists are not that many... And although the sand is not as white as the ones on Southern Andaman, but the tranquility and this peaceful atmosphere will simply make you falling in love with Koh Phayam without realizing it...

... Koh Phayam is a small island, the transportation only available in the mode of rental scooters or if you are strong, you can also cycling... Riding through lines of cashew nut trees, you can easily drive out to various beaches... However, you have to be careful for riding as the road on the island might have some rough route...

... If you are interesting in traveling to Koh Phayam, you can take the boat at Pak Nam municipal boat pier. There will be 2 types of different prices and boat available, the regular boat will take 1 and a half hour whereas the speed boat will take only half an hour to reach Koh Phayam... As for the time table of each departure, it will be better and more accurate if you can check for that information in advance...

... “Koh Tachai" at Phang Nga... The next destination from Koh Phayam, Ranong, we are moving to an adjacent province of Phang Nga... with the recently top 'talk of the town' island and gradually increase in its popularity... Koh Tachai is located between Surin Islands National Park and Similan Islands National Park... And that being said, I think the charm of Koh Tachai does not lay on the diversity of its geography nor the beauty of the underwater world in which respectivly less attractive when comparing to Tarutao Islands, Similan Islands, or Surin Islands....

...But the charm of Koh Taichai lies on its whitest long curving sand beach awaiting for waves to approach, making it looks so beautiful in coupled with the bluest clear water that looks just like mirror.... On the bright day, when the sky is blue and the sun is out, standing on the Koh Tachai simply make us realize that our Thai sea is truly not any less as beautiful as any other beaches in the world....

... “Koh Phuket".. Now we have seen two pure islands, let's come back to the province of diversity of which is believed to be another highlight of our country, Koh Phuket... The reputation of historical trading, people from various background and the inherited culture making modern Phuket is still very attractive including its beaches and many surrounding islands...Although Phuket in today is full of many resorts and hotels that sprang up like mushrooms, it is still a dreamed place for many tourists, let it be Thai tourists or foreigners...

... The old town of Phuket or another name that we are quite familiar with, Sino - Portuguese town... If anyone has a chance to visit Phuket, I believe that all would also want to spare some time to enjoy this part of the old town atmosphere, some may give it the whole day, or simply some moments... And another long time popular place, especially among foreigners, cannot be anything but "Phrom Thep Cape"... this viewpoint has long and always been served as the symbol of sunset in Phuket...

... “Krabi seas"... After Koh Phuket, let's move onto another evenly famous of the nearby province, Krabi... The reputation of Krabi has long been associated with its nature diversity and abundance, like many islands, caves, several hot springs, and many more. It can be said that Krabi is still rich in its natural resources... Therefore, Krabi offers a variety of different activities to the tourists, let it be to enjoy the sea, to see the caves, to appreciate waterfalls or nature trails studies...

... Krabi is full of famous seas, such as Talay Wak, Railay Beach, Koh Rok, Koh PhiPhi, and many more... The charm of Krabi seas are at the emerald green sea that is quite comfortable and relaxing to see. This tone is different than the one we experience in Koh Phuket, although it's near to each other...

... “Koh Lunta" at Krabi...Now we are still at Krabi but just moving far south... Koh Lunta is divided into Koh Lunta Noi and Koh Lunta Yai... Of which most of the tourists would choose to travel to Koh Lunta Yai...Koh Lunta is another beauty of Krabi seas and many foreign tourists choose to travel here because they can get more peaceful time here....

...The symbol of Koh Lunta is located at the far end of the island, close to Laem Tanod, which is the office of "Koh Lunta National Park"...The image of white lighthouse outstandingly stood on the small hill, in challenge of winds and sun as well as in welcoming all many tourists everyday is an all time beautiful picture... The rocks are uniquely stunning. Therefore, if you are already at Koh Lunta, you have no reason whatsoever to miss to come enjoy the Laem Tannod and capture this impressive lighthouse photos...

... The restaurants on Koh Lunta are heavily situated from the pier, at the top area of the island, and will decrease respectively in its number as we are moving towards the end of the island....

... The scenery of the sun fading away from the sky at Koh Lunta is differently stunning, it can be varied from day to day... I have the chance to live on this island for 2 months... Even that, many times, I still wish to have the magic door so that I can open the door and be here again at the rocks in front of the lighthouse....

... “Tarutao Islands" at Satun ... And at the end, now we arrive at the final destination of this album, "Tarutao National Marine Park". I think there is no need to mention the beauty, the abundance of the sand and the underwater world here...A wide ranges of fish, amazingly stunning and colorful coral reefs like that of Rong Nam Ja Bang, or the beach that is so soft as if someone has been putting baby powder on it like Koh Lipe or the beauty of Koh Adang, Koh Rawi, Koh Hin Ngam, Koh Khai, and many more islands... For me, I have a chance to travel to Taurtao Islands 3 times already, and I'm always hoping to return again for my third time, fourth time....

...Clear water, white sand, under shade of trees... Sitting still, laying our feet into water or walking around to find some good angle for nice photo shooting shots... These are all happiness....

...The bright blue sky, soft wind blowing by, standing on the soft sand on the holiday, what we've got is not simply happiness, impression...but it's a watch to see and understand that the nature will change, sooner or later... But at least today we are here to witness and see the beautiful things...

...And I would like to end this album with 5-6 photos that were taken along the way when we are traveling from one place to the other..

...A beautiful journey is not only reaching the destination that we want to go, but there is much more to discover and to see along the way...It depends on whether we will just drive pass it or give it sometimes... To help maintain and take care the route to our destinations is as important and valuable as the care we have during our travel in order to avoid any unnecessary accidents. To always attentive to the safety will take us to our destination safely and take us back home with smiles on our faces....

...Thank you so much everyone for following from the first photo to the last photo of this album... Thank you for reading all my descriptions... I wish that all the journey that is about to happen is the beautiful journey, full of smiles, impressions and safety. And bon voyage to everyone....

…Story/Photo : Forzanu

...Here is another channel to keep in touch with me, in case anyone wants to follow my photography or greeting, talking with me, please visit me at https://www.facebook.com/Forzanufoto

Thank you very much ^___^
