Photharam, a must-visit charming city with charming people

I finally have got a chance to go back to my hometown in Ban Pong District.

But I feel like going to a chill little charming town all of a sudden and the question is where shall I go?

While I am on the bus to Pinklao Minivan Terminal to take the minivan Ban Pong, I have seen the minivan with Photharam signage and I feel very interested.

So I don't hesitate to change my plan and go to Photharam instead. hahaha It sounds crazy and I know that.

The minivan costs only 70 THB and it takes about one hour and a half to get to Photharam.


I have arrived well at the market in Photharam. From there, I start to walk and ask local how to get to the old market area. Now I know that I need to cross the railway then take the first alley after the T-junction and keep going straight for another 100 meters. Here we are, the old houses and building have finally shown up.

This is totally classic and I love it.

The houses are truly traditional ones. They are well-preserved under the assistance of Photharam Municipality. That's why we are still able to see this well-kept traditional way of living.

I am wandering around in the middle of traditional old houses and it is like I was back in the old times.

I am not wondered why this place is one of the must-visit cities.

Look what I have found! An old photo studio! I really like it.

It is getting hot here. Let's go and find a place where I can sit, chill, and grab some refreshing cold drinks. Oh! This place is not a bad choice and it looks unique.

It is named Do Nom.

Photharam District is famous for its quality milk. In the past, almost every single household was working on the dairy farm.

That's why Photharam, Ratchaburi is known for Nong Pho milk.

The atmosphere in front of Do Nom Cafe.

Look at this cool bicycle!

Let's go and have a look inside the cafe!

I have ordered Green Tea Frappuccino. It is very tasty and not too sugary, I like it a lot. It is only 50 THB.

Green Tea Frappuccino.

I love to travel and I love to go to unique places.

Do Nom Cafe offers 2 zones of tables, indoor and outdoor in the garden.

Let's go and see the table outside in the garden first!

And this is indoor area.

After refreshing myself for a while, it is time to continue my trip. Let's walk and take photos around!

I use Fuji XA1 camera on this entire trip. All photos are original without any editing. However, please keep it in mind that I am pretty new for this. hahaha

It is necessary to find quality time off for yourself to rest your body and relax your mind by traveling. There are plenty of places waiting to welcome you.

Never forget, Photharam.

In the town, there is a music studio where children can come and learn how to play music.

I have found another cute cafe along the way. It is called Kalanan.

I am getting hungry though. hahaha

I have walked pass vegetarian cafeteria and realized we are in Vegetarian Festival.

However, my eyes have caught a very nice noodle restaurant. It looks totally yummy.

This noodle restaurant is located right next to 7-Eleven on the opposite side of the vegetarian cafeteria on the way to the train station. It is very easy to find.

It is only 25 THB with full option.

After filling up my stomach, I continue my mission to find the famous Photharam's Black Tofu.

I just keep walking without asking any locals. hahaha

Let's just keep going straight ahead!

Oops! I found it. hahaha There are 2 famous restaurants for Black Tofu.

The one I choose belong to Auntie Lek.

It opens from 6 AM to 6 PM every day.

Look at this Black Tofu boiling pot! It is extremely enormous. It is too big so I can't help but think is she giving Black Tofu for free but of course not. hahaha

One whole Black Tofu is 20 THB. It is very cheap and very delicious with the scent of all spices and herbs.

I am taking away 2 whole Black Tofu for my mom.

I am full and ready to digest by wandering around again.

I have found this grandpa sitting and reading a newspaper. Oh! This is an old coffee shop. It looks amazing.

People in the rural area are very healthy. Look at him! He still ride the bicycle.

Oh! How shall I go back to my hometown from here? hahaha Let's go to the train station first then!

I have checked the time table and found that there will be a free train in 40 minutes from Lang Suan to Thonburi and yes, it will pass by Ban Pong.

So why wait? Let's get a free ticket by showing my ID card. hahaha

The train is approaching and it is time to go home. This is so good and the weather is so nice. hahaha

The ambiance on the train. Thai train is not bad, right? hahaha

It takes me about 30 minutes to get to Ban Pong and I have arrived safe and sound. Hurrah!

This trip is completely cheap.

The minivan costs 70 THB, green tea Frappuccino costs 50 THB, noodle costs 25 THB, and drinking water costs 1 THB.

Black Tofu costs 20 THB, other two whole black tofu for mom cost 40 THB, and free ride home by the train. hahaha

Sometimes it is good to change your way of traveling, Thailand is too big for you to explore enough.

Sometimes a place close to you might surprise you in so many interesting way. And to travel to a small town will also help to stimulate the local economy as well.

I love to travel and I have been reading and going through many travel reviews. I just have got a chance to write my very own one though.

Moreover, please be careful while traveling. Don't cause any trouble to anyone! And if you have a question regarding a place shown in my review please do not hesitate to ask me right away. I am more than happy to answer.

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Never lose the inspiration in traveling, never stop to find a time to step out and conquer the happiness by exploring the world.


Thank you for your kind support.

Photharam is truly charming with charming noble-minded locals. Don't forget to go and visit!
