Me and a group of friends who always go out together and we joined latest trip to Saraburi with adventure activities like kayaking, ATV in June. During the trip some said about oversea trip as we never join together to over sea before. We were discussed about Vietnam or China. And finally, China won!

We all 6 persons (Me, Yui, Hong, Fang, Nina and Kero) agreed to let China to be our first oversea trip together. And Kero who is our Chinese friend in the group who have hometown in Kunming willing to prepare the trip for all of us. And the program start with 4 days trips visit Lijiang, Dali, Kunming and the date is 27-30 July.

Kero created program for our short trip because me and Yui have another business trip in the beginning of August so we cannot stay longer. Meanwhile, Kero, Nina, Hong and Fang continue trip till 3 August.

Some of my friend said that it is rainy season in the area where I’m going, and some area may be cold. But no matter as we are ready for all type of weather.

27th July

We meet at Suvarnabhumi Airport for flight DR 5042 ETD 13:35hrs. We arrived to airport before time (I always leave home to airport with 4 hours before departure flight as traffic in Bangkok is hard to forecast).

1000am we all met at airport as we want to have early lunch before check in. And we had good food at Ginger in the farm. This restaurant had original in Chiang Mai and every time I travel to Chiang Mai I always go to this restaurant.

Yui had experienced this restaurant in Chiang Mia with me once so she know this is good choice.

We ordered some menu


Grilled pork which is one of their signatures.Noodle (northern style “Khao Soi”).Morning glory


Shrimp with chili and garlics


And another signature menu of this restaurant


Also, herbal drinks. I love their roselle soda.

We finished all food very quick; they are so delicious


After food then we check in and walk around the duty free. Yui and Fang got some cosmetics, and we got coffee and drinks before reach to the gate, wait for boarding time.


We flew with Ruili Airlines, they departed on time and the seat quite comfortable

We took around 2 hours then arrived to Lijiang where Kero and Nina waiting for us. Both of them left Thailand before us as they have business trip in another city of China.

And our Lijiang program begins. Kero and Nina wait for us at airport in Lijiang. After get luggage we transfer directly to check in at hotel. 

The hotel located in the middle of Lijiang Ancient city 

Kero took us to check in at hotel and leave luggage in our room.

Because they are UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town has a history going back more than 1,000 years and was once a confluence for trade along the “Old Tea Horse Caravan Trail”. So, they are quite strict for the traffic system. They do not allow any car to get into the ancient zone. So, the car stops at the entrance and there is small truck wait for us and take our luggage to hotel while we walk along old houses and 2 levels buildings until reach to hotel.

I like this small hotel. Unique with Chinese decoration style. It is old house and turned to be small boutique hotel. 

After checked in we went to our room and prepare to go out to explore the ancient village around hotel. 


The room is nice, simple decoration but still showing Chinese style both inside and outside. Full facilities, they do not have air con as the weather here not too hot. 


However, they provided electric fan. They have small garden in the middle of the house which open roof so the flower is blooming and beautiful


We left luggage and refresh and then ready in 20 minutes. 


Kero booked table at one of famous restaurant in this village, but the name is difficult to pronounce (for me). 


While we were waiting for the que, me Yui and Hong walked around the street to see beautiful village. 


And and got some local fruit which very fresh and cheap


Hong can speak Chinese got new friend who from Shanghai travel to Lijiang with family. He and his family so kind, he helped us get discount from fruit merchant

Finally, we got que, so we walked back and arrived restaurant while the food start serves to our table.


They served authentic food


Baby jasmine flower with potato


Pork in spice soup


Stir fried pork with chili and ginger


Clear soup with tofu and green vegetable


Potato pan fried




Kero ordered 8 menus. We try local beer, plum juice, tea and enjoyed all food.


After dinner, we walked back to hotel to refresh before start walking around the village


There are so many shops for tea leaf, cafe, restaurant, cloths, accessories, stones.

And so many costume shops for tourist wearing traditional dress and take photos in the village


I fall in love with this city because this is what I love to visit. To see their history shading behind new looks, all shops are not old shops, but they keep decoration in old style

There are so many ืtraditional foods, drink, snack but also have some thing new as well


And it good that they separate zone for shopping, eating, entertaining area so we can decide to walk in difference direction and very easy to walk back to hotel


I got nice wrist lace made from red sand and also a souvenir for my friend who going to buy new house and open new office.


This cat is lucky cat and I pick this cat with the meaning that the money will come to the house. Kero said this is very good meaning.


This trip is very easy for me, Yui, Fang and Nina because Kero is Chinese and Hong can speak Chinese. So, we can communicate with merchants easily.
We walked till the entertainment zone and there were crowded by people, so I and Yui left back to hotel while the rest continue to try some drink.

The first day in Lijiang finished smoothly and we were enjoyed everything. And someone cannot miss to mentioned was this cutie black at our hotel


28th July

We visit many places today and the highlight is to visit Shangri-la another city. 


We left hotel around 06.15am. Kero and everyone prepared some food for breakfast in the car, and I picked soy milk. 


We were on the beautiful road to Shangri-la and the first place we visit was Tiger Leaping Gorge the place where we can see the wrath of the water. 


When the large river come the small strait in the gorge

Kero is a good trip planner, we start and arrive with the right time when there was not much tourist at the point. 


The weather was so good


And beautiful mountains covered with the mist and look like the top of the mountains touch the sky. 


Look down to the river, the brown large river in the rainy season come from long way and meet at the small gorge (compare with the size of the river)


The strong waves look like the 2 armies fighting in the last war


There were some tourists arrived before us. But there are platforms for stand and see closer to the river where we can find good spot to take good shots. Nina brought her cutie doll for this trip so he shows up in some photo

We had good group and individual shots from the viewpoint and spent time there around 30 minutes then continue to another place.


There is public toilet at the parking and because next stop is in another 1.30hrs so we used toilet there because they are no tourist services stop along the way.

We continued to visit another UNESCO World Heritage village name Dukezong Old Town.


Enjoyed walking around the village. I bought some souvenir for my friend


They tried coffee from local coffer shop while I got ice-chocolate, and I have to say that their ice-chocolate is very good


Kero took us to a local restaurant to try other Yunnan's food


We ordered around 5 menu


Clear soup with ham and green vegetable


Fried vegetable


Grilled pork, the most I like menu today


Stir fried potato


After lunch we walked to another side of the village.


Around 20 minutes then we get in the car and continue to the temple which is also highlights of program today. 


We arrived the temple around 3pm. Kero, Nina, Fang and Yui want to try traditional dress and take photo at the temple

Each got their dress and the shop also help them make up similar to the local people


After got their dress, we walked up to the temple which located on the top of the mountain.


Hong preferred to wait at the cafe, so we left her.


The temple name "Songzan lin shi monastery"


There are around 100 steps up on the hill


Actually, they booked personal photographer, but I also got some nice shots for some of them 


Yui and Fang wore dress from same tribes but difference color


They spent around one hour for photo shooting. So, I took some shots for them and came down to enjoy coffee with Hong


We left the monastery around 18.30hrs and heading direct back to hotel.


Arrived to hotel in Lijiang around 22.30hrs. All were out of battery, so we separate to each room and slept quite early because there is also program on 29th as well

29th July

We were ready at 06.00am with packaged luggage and left it at hotel's lobby. We left our luggage at the hotel. 


And then walked from hotel to the meeting point as this is Worl Heritage site, so they control for traffic system. 


On the way we stopped at local restaurant and bought some boiled eggs and soy milk 


And the car took us out from Lijiang heritage town to the place call Blue Moon Lake


Around one hour we reached to the point and lucky that we arrived quite early, so we were on short que to get the ticket for the shuttle bus to the lake. 


The bus took us to 2nd stop and then we continue with golf cart to reach to the lake. Actually, they have walkway down to the lake which should take around 120 minutes, so we decided to take golf cart


But before we get on the cart, I saw some nice background for portrait photo


Something in Fang's hand is oxygen can. Our tour guide suggests us bring it as we were at high level of the mountain which might be less oxygen there. But actually, Hong got some medicine for all of us breathe easier when we reach to the top of mountain.


We arrived at the 1st viewpoint at the lake


The water in the lake is light blue and because there was some rain to there are mist on the mountain 


So, there are very beautiful lake


I got many beautiful shots 


From the small waterfall but look like the shell of the sea fish


There is more than one waterfall there


I saw lots of flowers around the lake and I like this one because when we look from the front of the flower and the blue lake on their back is so beautiful


Besides of the flower, waterfall, lake I also got nice shots for, Yui,Hong, Fang, Nina and Kero as well


There are not too many people there so we can see the view clearly


We spent around 30 minutes at the lake and left by the carte to the bus stop.


The morning program was done completely 


And it was time for lunch. We took the shuttle and then walk to the restaurant for lunch but on the way, I notice this vintage red van


Only me and Kero stopped there while the rest ran to the restaurant because it was raining


We had hot pot today


And I have extra menu, Chinese instant noodle


And I like this flavor, Hong told me that this brand selling in some supermarket in Bangkok, so I do not need to by from here


We finished lunch quickly and continue to get on another bus to visit next highlights of today. But before got on the bus I saw this show, unfortunately we did not have enough time to see longer. Even I saw from far but it should be good show.


Bus stopped at the cable car station


As we have plan to visit the "Yak Meadow"


It was amazing experience with the cable care up to the mountain with around 3200 meters above sea level


Me and Yui were in same cable car while Nina and Kero, Fang and Hong.


Even Hong quite afraid of high but she also want to see how beautiful of on the mountain


We arrived to the top of the mountain (not the highest one). There expected to see horse and yak on the green field


Unfortunately, there was raining in the morning so there were too much mist then we cannot see yak


We saw some horse there


We took some nice photos together and get fresh air to our lung and then get on cable care again to go down to the bus stop


On the way by bus to our car, there are some animals like goats, sheep, ducks enjoying their life


And the view along the way is amazing


We arrived the parking and driver was there. We were heading back to hotel again to get our luggage as today we moved to stay in Dali for one night


Left Lijiang around 17.00hrs, and reached to Dali and checked in at hotel in another heritage site


The small hotel with modern decoration which difference from the one we stayed in Lijiang but not bad. They have around 8 rooms in 2 levels. Me, Yui, Hong and Fang stayed on first floor while Nina and Kero on second floor


After checked in and left luggage in the room we walked out for lite dinner

On the way from our hotel to the street food zone. We passed the old tunnel


There is street food where they have BBQ, noodle with soup, fried noodle and we ordered some good menu


And it was our 3rd dinner for this trip.

30th July


I woke up at 06.00am as always and be ready at 0800am after packed all luggage as today is last day of this trip and the car will pick up us to the train station at 10.00am so I have 2 hours free time to explore around Dali Old Town.

Me and Hong be ready at lobby at 08.00am while other still on their bed so there were only 2 of us.


There was shower raining around area but it still good to walk with umbrella and enjoy fresh air and green garden.


We stopped by at some houses, shops, café to take nice photo as this is one of Heritage site so they still keep original architecture.


We found a nice public garden and enter to see around


This garden is good for local people to relax and exercise. And also good for tourist to visit as well.


I saw some flower still not blooming yet so may be in September or October should be more beautiful


We walked along small street heading to the local market where we can experience local breakfast


Finally, we found a noodle shop look nice


Hong can speak Chinese which helped us a lot


We order spicy noodle with pork and top with pickle, chili, garlic oil and sour sauce

And I order egg as side dish


The taste of the noodle is so good especially with egg

After noodle, we walked to the fresh market and got some fresh fruit


The fresh market always active and there are so many fresh fruits, vegetable selling there. We bought some for another 4 friends.


And the time was around 09.00am so we walked back as I want to stop by at a small café which I saw when we walked to the market


The small room on the first floor of the house was turned to be a small café for maximum 5-6 persons

A young guy who is owner and chef welcome friendly


They have only 3 Sandwich menu. American Beef Sandwich, Portuguese Chicken Sandwich and Truffle Sandwich. And he has some menu of tea and fruit juice. Hong told me that the owner of the shop wrote something on the wall. It mentioned opening day and there is a word saying that shop close on every Saturday as he wants to be with someone he loves. Chinese people is so romantic, I always got some Chinese poem which translate to English with beautiful meaning from my Chinese friends.

I order American Beef Sandwich and hot tea. The tea was so good smell and taste

He has activities for customer to write down the memories on the rollup paper board


I and Hong also did it. Who knows we may come again in few years

And I got some nice shot with his sandwich and nice background outside café


Unfortunately, we do not have much time, so I decided to take away that sandwich and walked back to hotel. The car was ready at hotel on time and also everyone.

So, we took all luggage to the car and drove to restaurant for early lunch


The restaurant served signature food of this town which is fish.


Kero order a big bowl of fish in spicy soup and the taste was so good


Deep fried red bean and some more items

We finished all food quite fast as we have to arrive the train station to get the train to Kunming at not later than 14.00hrs


The traffic during raining is similar with Bangkok but here they limited driving speed, so it took longer time than our plan

However, we reach to the train station around 30 minutes before departure time.

Kero had already booked the ticket, so we did not need to be on long que. 


But we just realized that we cannot bring the oxygen can which we bought for visit the mountain into the train. So, we tried to use them all

I like their system for check in even we saw many people waiting for the train schedule. But they will open the check in counter similar to airline and the counter open only 15 minutes before departure time

We passed the luggage scan and relaxed for few minutes then line up at the check in counter

After checking in then walked around 200 meters to get on the train.


The seat was fix so we do not need to worry that someone will take our seat 14.32hrs the train left station (they really on time)


And on the way, we were enjoyed the view of the mountains, corn field, villages


And all are under the mist after rain and some area still raining


The weather is very good during this season


The train took around 2 hours and 20 minutes then we arrived at Kunming Train station.


Hong, Fang and Nina extend trip in Kunming to visit Kero’s hometown while me and Yui get on the car to airport for flight back to Bangkok.


From Kunming Train station, I and Yui took taxi to airport which took around 1 hour

We arrived at airport and check in at counter. It was good timing so there was not long que. But as this is first time, we fly from Kunming airport, so we did not aware that restaurant, shops are available before we pass immigration and luggage scan.

After checked in we proceed to immigration and scan carry-on bags and entered to walkway to the gate and wish to do some shopping


Unfortunately, there were not any shops in that area, and we cannot come out

We did not have dinner yet and our flight will depart at 21.00hrs but they do not serve meal on flight


Luckily, there is Starbuck and also 7-11. Yui got her coffee while I got iced tea (it was long hours which we did not drink water) and after got drinks we continue to 7-11 and I got my favorite menu "Spicy Beef Stir Fry rice" and Yui got green curry with Thai style omelet

We were read for boarding 


And flight left airport on time


23.00hrs we arrived at Suvarnabhumi Airport and got luggage quite fast because not many flights arriving during this time. There were lots of Chinese tourist in the same flight with us. It was good, I'm Thai just return from trip to China while Chinese people also come to travel in Thailand


This trip was amazing oversea trip. As it was our first time together. 

There were some missed plans, raining too often to created too much mist so we did not see Yak on the mountain. Some traffic made us missed the walking street. 


But there were some more good memories from this trip, we arrived at each tourist more early than other then we got good view and nice shots and left there once other tourists came. We had great tour leader like Kero, booked all entrances ticket and hotels in advance to we got good accommodations.


For me, this trip was over than expectation. I was fulfilled by the stunning mountains everywhere we visit. Listen to the mountains when the mist hold and cover them after the rain. The view which you cannot buy with money but just if you have good luck, you can see them. I love all what I saw from this trip!


Actually, last night in Dali. We had discussed about next trip to China and seem the final destination will be Xian (I love this city). And the good month to visit is October so we will surely discuss and plan again soon.
